
[starttext]After some series of funny ads, i guess its time to add the "Short Movies" label to the site. This first short movie on this site is a "fan video" called "The Hunt for Gollum", so the them is, as you guessed already Lord of the Rings. The Hunt For Gollum is an unofficial not for profit short film, made by a group of enthusiast filmmakers. Production began in early 2007 when writer-director Chris Bouchard started adapting the script from the Appendices of The Lord of the Rings. Since then, the first three days of filming were completed in September 2007 on location in N Wales.
The movie was released on 30th of march 2009. Enjoy it, a very nice movie for 3000 E costs.[endtext]

The Hunt for Gollum


[starttext]Everyone loves to have their "free time", when they really loose all their worries gathered during the week, some of them watch a game, others play it, some go out, others just retreat to their rooms and have some "fun". Warning, having to much fun result this little bastards called kids and if you still are more interested in having fun, this is what can happen. Enjoy.[endtext]

Yes, yees, yeees ... you can.


[starttext]I had some talks with some girls, and they said that the videos are kind of out of their favor ... one is way to sexist, the other gives an impression that the girls are shop-aholic. I decided to be honest this time, and put a video that reflects a piece of live (kind of bad that this video is also not in their favor :lol: ). GUYS!!! open your eyes, leave your hair on, and enjoy whats best in life without giving up on to much.
A commercial for the Romanian brewery Bergenbier.[endtext]

Leave your hair on


[starttext]Since the previous commercial was for Heineken, and quite a new ad (see it here: http://short-videos.blogspot.com/2009/05/real-pleasures-in-life.html ) I said its a good thing to keep it in the "cold and wet" area and see how the competition is doing. This time its not a blond one, its a brunette ;)
I was really surprised to see this one, its more misogynist than expected :D ... but hey, women and beer don't have a close friendship like we do. It's a men thing.[endtext]

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[starttext]This is one of the newest commercials for Heineken that is on the air. I must say that it is really one of the best. The old "woman" VS "man" theme never gets old, so if you have something that works, why bother to change it?

Some things women and man need to learn, WE DO HAVE different perspectives about life! I will always go for a blond, wet and cold one (blond beer that is)

We have also an update to this ad, check it out below:

The real pleasures in life